Good morning sunshine she whispers in your ear. About the same time she puts your dick in her mouth. Her warm mouth. This hot milf knows how to get you up and running. She sucks you hard and then sits on your dick. You want to explode inside her. Not yet she whispers. Hold on, make me come first. You fuck and fuck and fuck. And then finally you come all over her big fat tits. [Read more…]
This blonde loves a big black dick (BBD) in VR
He came by her house to sell her a new vacuumer. She let him in to suck his big black dick. Ooh please come on in mister sales man. Show me the vacuumer please. Ow yes there under the couch as well please. Let me toch your butt and suck on your dick. Did I say or think that? Ooops I said it. Now whip it out mr cockman. [Read more…]
Blonde lesbians toying with dildos in VR
You met them at your highschool reunion. You told them they were always the hottest girls in your year. You also told them about your video project. I am making VR porn you told them? After some explaining they laughed about it. How cool could that be? Well you could show them at home. You have a headset you told them. They joined you home. you showed them some footage from badoinkvr and they loved it. In fact they got really horny and asked of you could fim them? Sure. Well here is the result. [Read more…]
Big titted hookers coming for you this winter!
You called for hookers. The agency sent them. Wow. What a pair. Two big butted, big boobed blondes waiting for you to take advantage of them. Advantage? Nah. It’s just what they came for. They came for your cum. You give it to them now boyyyyy! [Read more…]
Ater a classy night out she wants te get boned!
You took her out to the opera. She loved it. She says she wants to take you home for an after drink. Sure, you go ahead. You drive her home. She takes you up to her appartment. She smiles and gives you a drink. She turns around and unzips her dress. She says you didn’t come for the drink, now did you? You nod and say yes I cam to fuck your brains out! [Read more…]
Watching a movie with big titted blonde
She came over for a movie and got much more than she bargained for. As a joke you put your dick in the popcorn. She grabbed it and saw. Her eyes lit up. She loves the joke she says. She shows you her big tits and says come on and play with me big boy! [Read more…]
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